Recruitment areas

Recruitment areas


This job involves a lot of responsibility, as it means caring for children and establishing educational or recreational activities so that they can develop harmoniously. 

Asian babysitters are well-known for their patience, flexibility and dedication to their work. Children are thus taught essential family values such as loyalty, devotion and care for their loved ones. In the long run, children and nannies build relationships based on trust and mutual respect. 


The housekeepers we select are focused on work and the desire to provide value to the families who will welcome them into their homes. Trust is the principle we rely on, that's why the recruitment process is thorough, taking into account the experience, typology and values ​​these people have. 

Our goal is to provide you with employees you can rely on and who are devoted to their daily tasks such as cooking and cleaning.


The staff we choose for the care of the elderly or the disabled prove to have qualities such as care, patience and constant dedication. We are careful that those who will take on this position are available and undertake the risks involved. 

Caring for people who need someone close at every step of the way and who supports them requires a considerable effort. That is why the recruitment process is thorough. You can contact them after an interview that we will agree on.

4Home help

This category includes employees who provide services to ensure a smooth running of all activities at home. They can be family drivers, gardeners or domestic staff who handle the logistics of the household such as technical maintenance services, electrical or plumbing repairs.

Regardless of the position you want to hire staff from abroad, we will identify the ideal person for the job and who fits your needs perfectly.

5Skilled workers

Do you want skilled workers for your business? Use our services with confidence and we will be able to recruit the staff you need to get the maximum performance in your company. The recruitment area is extended, so we will offer you many variants that will fit the needs of your company and the final choice will be yours. We will also organize an interview to actively engage you in the staff selection and to be convinced that you will take the best decision 


6Construction workers 

  and workers in related fields

In Romania, there is an increasingly low labour force in the construction sector. To minimize risks and obtain economic forecasting, we recommend hiring staff from abroad, Asia, Africa, Rep. of Moldova or Turkey.

In these areas, there are specialized workers for each position (team leader, carpenter, painter, electrician, plumber or technician) and we are here to mediate the recruitment process and bring them into the country.
The workers we select are experienced and seriousness, punctuality and dedication are their main qualities. We offer you a whole team to successfully complete any project, regardless of its complexity.

7Industry workers

Some industries have declined in recent years, so finding staff to meet the needs of a company has become increasingly difficult. Salary expectations of employees do not match the current financial possibilities of Romanian employers. Thus, hiring foreign workers who want to provide a decent living for their family is the most appropriate option for both parties to the contract.

We identify production personnel, from the clothing industry, but also personnel for motor vehicle service in this field. The most often request is for candidates from Asia and not only.

8HoReCa workers

Do you want staff for your HORECA business or have you been waiting for the ideal opportunity to expand? Now you have the opportunity to increase your profit margin, as we will select the staff that will perfectly fit your business needs and carry out their work with professionalism.

The hired staff is experienced in the field and will generate the desired results, regardless of the vacant position in your company. This category includes restaurant staff, hotel staff, security staff, swimming pool and garden maintenance staff etc.

9Unskilled workers

With numerous partners, our Global Finder team can easily identify the need for staff and suggest candidates for each area of work. Even if we talk about unskilled workers, the selection is made taking into account the same strict criteria, so we want to achieve the satisfaction of our customers and we aim at improving the national economic activity. 

The category of unskilled workers includes handling/sales/packing/sorting personnel, cleaning staff and workers in car washes. Tell us what personnel needs there are in your company and we will provide you with the profile of possible candidates in a short time.
